Welcome to Ballistic Ballers!

What up my fellow ballers! Welcome to Ballistic Ballers. Ballistic Ballers was created to bring the paintball players of Nevada county out of the house and back onto the field!....well fields actually five to start with photos of locations as well as maps to check out and get you and your team there.

We are a community without a field, yet an area full of great places to play paintball and airsoft. Tons of BLM land, full of varied terrian. Mountians, deep brush thickets, forests, and much much more. It our misson to show everyone that Nevada County is an amazing place to play paintball and airsoft.

Below you will find our blog that we add to weekly which includes local news as well as our latest photos and maps of sites.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

working on the HTML

hey everybody no new sites to put up this week still storming out there.

I am working on a new slide show program I don't really like to format of the other so expect some changes to come soon.

Also am still searching for some different layouts and learning HTML code (a little) I hope to have some really cool slideshow of all of the sites up soon it is going to take a little work though.

Stay tunded!

Rt Gigalo


playersclub99 said...

yes lets link up I haven't work on the site much bit am going to be posting a whole lot more on a regular basis.

Thanks for checking out my site
